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Cosmetic Dermatology

Collagen Filling

Collagen is a protein injected under the skin with a needle in order to improve skin tissue and appearance. So, how is collagen filling performed and what are the features?

Everyone has the right to receive detailed information about these issues. You may want to know what can be done during the procedure.

For this reason, all the details are explained for you so that you do not have any questions in your mind.

Dermal fillers injected under the skin to fill and smooth skin depressions are the most common treatment methods. One of the dermal filling injections is collagen filling injections.


What are the aging symptoms and collagen structure of the skin?

These two factors, defined as genetic and environmental factors, determine the aging process. Sun rays, which are among the more effective environmental factors between these two, cause serious damage to skin collagen.

In addition, many reasons such as smoking, malnutrition, unhealthy living conditions, hormonal disorders, systemic and metabolic diseases are among the causes of environmental aging.

During the aging process, the collagen structure in our skin deteriorates and gets damaged. The quality of the collagen decreases and reaction of the skin decreases. On the other hand, skin loses its elasticity. In addition, the amount of skin collagen is also reduced due to high breakdown and adequate replacement.


What are the results of deteriorate on the collagen structure of skin?

  • The fullness of cheekbones is reduced.

  • Collapses and sagging occur on cheeks.

  • Nose looks collapsed more than normal. 

  • Laugh lines become prominent. 

  • Smoking lines becomes more clear.

  • Lip coarctation and sagging at the edge of the mouth can be seen. 

During this process, it is aimed to increase quality and quantity of collagen which is produced by stimulating body’s collagen production mechanisms. For this reason, new generation filling materials are mostly preferred that support collagen production. 


How is collagen filling done? 

In this method, collagen protein is injected under the skin with the help of a needle in order to improve skin tissue and appearance. The biggest advantage of collagen is that it has been used for this purpose and provided safe results for a long time.

The only known side effect is the allergy reaction. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to indicate whether you have an allergy against collagen, or an allergy test should be performed.

When your skin reacts badly to collagen, you don't have to worry. Your doctor will recommend another dermal filler compatible with your skin.


What is the aim of using collagen filling?

Collagen injections can be used for various purposes and the most common of these is to fill wrinkles and scars and make them less visible. Some people inject collagen into their lips in order to achieve younger and fuller appearance. However, all the benefits obtained by collagen will be temporary. Because collagen under the skin is absorbed by the body soon or late. Even though its effects may last 90 days to 8 months, it mainly depends on the skin features of a person. If you want your results to be permanent, you should receive regular collagen therapy.


Purposes of collagen filling

Intended use of collagen filling can be listed as:

  • It is effective for repairing and renewal of face, neck, hands and other parts of the body.

  • It increases skin elasticity.

  • It helps to reduce wrinkles. 

  • It helps to reduce acne and scars.

  • It helps to regain natural beauty of the skin.

  • It is effective for tightening the abdomen and hips.

  • It provides tightening of upper arm and legs.

  • It provides renewal of dermis and connective tissue.

All these purposes help you to gain a more beautiful appearance. You can seriously consider collagen filling that has the potential to help you for almost anything.


Does skin rash occur on the treatment area afterwards?

Depending on the skin sensitivity of a person, mild rash, swelling, itchiness or burning may occur on the places where needles are touched. These are temporary and there is no need to worry. They disappear by themselves in 1-2 minutes. The effects may last longer in some people but it is not more than 3 to 5 days. 


What are the benefits of collagen filling on the skin?

Collagen vaccine is highly preferred for brightness, elasticity, regeneration of the skin and wrinkle treatment. As known, collagen is the main substance giving tightness and elasticity to the skin. If applied under the skin, fibroblasts are stimulated and new collagen production is triggered.

Stimulation of fibroblasts increases the hyaluronic acid production as well. Thus, the skin starts to be restructured; brightness, youth and elasticity are gained; and wrinkles are reduced. It is a very effective method against aging symptoms. 

Briefly, the skin is repaired, renewed and regain its natural appearance. The advantage of this vaccine is that it has a long lasting effect. In addition, it is less costly compared to other applications and easier to be applied.


How should skin care be done after collagen filling application?

Immediately after you receive collagen treatment, your skin may look fuller than you desire. Your body will absorb almost half of the injected collagen at night and leave the other half as the filling material. 

The residue collagen will gradually place in appropriate regions at the following week of treatment and results will become more beautiful over the time. Your skin may become reddish for 1-2 days after the operation. Since it will swell as well, you may want to delay your appointment if possible. 

In order to accelerate your healing process, you can wrap some ice in a piece of sand and soothe your face. During this time, you should avoid any product application to your skin. Bacteria can enter small injection holes and cause inflammation. Therefore, you should take good care of your skin, especially for the first 3 days. You should keep your skin very clean and avoid contact with your hands.

Once the collagen has placed under the skin, your skin will look beautiful and smooth. However, the skin may be slightly swollen. This is very normal and will not affect your appearance. In addition, this situation will not be permanent and will pass soon.


When are the first results received after the procedure?

The first results can be seen in 7-14 days. In order for the treatment results to be fully effective, it is more appropriate to have 3-4 sessions with an interval of 2 weeks. Thus, differences in skin elasticity and density will be highly visible. The full effect of the treatment is achieved within 1 month after the sessions are completed.

Answers have been given until now about the questions of what collagen filling is in general and how it is applied. As a result, you have better understood how beneficial collagen filling is without side effects.


Who cannot have collagen filling?

  • Women who are pregnant or still breastfeeding

  • Autoimmune patients

  • Diabetic patients 

  • People with skin inflammation

  • Cancer patients 

  • People undergoing laser treatment 

  • People having chemical peelings

Collagen vaccine stimulates the production of fibroblasts that are used in cosmetic and anti-aging medical treatments. It is a procedure applied by specialist physicians for skin revitalizing and gives perfect results. 

This vaccine is for single use and safe method without side effects. It is possible to prevent factors such as age and environmental factors, the decrease in the amount of building blocks in the skin and causing some problems in the skin with today's technological possibilities.


How is collagen filling applied?

The application of collagen stimulating fillers is very easy, as in the other filling materials. Therefore, the application of collagen filling can be expressed as a small touch. It offers a painless application method due to the application of local anesthesia. After the application, you can return to daily life immediately.

The slight fullness seen in the first application belongs to the gel and disappears within a few weeks. It is necessary to wait 3-4 months for the real effect. Because this period is necessary for sufficient collagen formation. At the end of this period, an improvement in the quality and appearance of the skin is observed, as well as the desired lifting effect and fullness of the skin.

It can be applied anywhere in the face area and many areas that require volume or lifting. It is applied to hands, neck and décolleté to increase skin quality and elasticity. It helps the facial area that has lost its elasticity, deep acne scars and loose skin or scars.


Collagen is the constituent of skin

Collagen is the foundation for a youthful looking skin. This valuable protein, which is the building block of the skin, is responsible for keeping the skin looking firm, elastic, full and smooth. Collagen production in the body is optimal during the youth period. However, production begins to decrease by the aging. As a result, skin loses its elasticity. Instead, a skin appears that highlights wrinkles and fine lines.

It will be very easy to get rid of such symptoms of aging with collagen filling. What you need to do is to contact your specialist and make an appointment for collagen filling.


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