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What is Rose Disease? How come?

Rosacea is a disease that is more commonly seen on the face and around the nose. It manifests as inflammatory redness, acne-like bumps, and superficial blood vessel dilations on the skin. Although rosacea appears around the face, it does not only occur on the face; it can also occur in other parts of the body.

Another name for rosacea is Rosacea. This disease can occur at any age, but it is more common in women than in men. It is especially more likely to occur in people in their thirties. Men tend to experience this disease more severely than women. Rosacea is a painful condition, and if not taken seriously, the pain can increase.

Depending on how rosacea forms, it has different names. Those that occur in the form of redness and swelling are called edematous rosacea, those that occur in the form of blood vessels are called vascular rosacea, and those that occur in the form of acne are called fulminant rosacea. It is not a contagious disease. It is generally seen in the spring months.

Treatment of Rosacea

After the onset of rosacea, certain precautions should be taken. If the disease progresses, treatment should be continued under the supervision of a specialist due to the pain and inflammation that occur. Treatments can be applied to relieve the discomfort caused by the symptoms. One of the most important things to pay attention to is to avoid factors that may cause the disease to worsen.

What Are the Treatment Methods for Rosacea?

Initially, a person with rosacea may perceive it as a common pimple and may not pay much attention to it. However, if it continues to worsen and certain symptoms increase, medical assistance should be sought. In addition to the discomfort it creates visually, the progression of symptoms can lead to pain and itching.

Although rosacea may seem like a trivial condition, it can lead to serious consequences if left untreated. Therefore, medical assistance should be sought when symptoms of the disease appear. If this disease occurs during pregnancy, treatment should be started under the supervision of a specialist. If not treated under the supervision of a specialist, the medications used may have side effects and harm the health of both the mother and the baby. As a result of this disease, the person should pay attention to their diet. Especially, alcohol and caffeine should be avoided.

Rosacea Attacks

Necessary precautions for the treatment of the disease should be taken by specialists in clinics as a result of the discomfort caused by the skin problems created by rosacea and its progression. Although it resembles acne, it is a condition that occurs in a different dimension.

Psychologically, it also leads to negative effects on individuals visually. Although the discomfort decreases over time with treatment, treatment should continue. Treatment should not be neglected in any way. Otherwise, in addition to the progression of the disease, the pains and inflammations that occur will lead to even more discomfort. Therefore, expert support is the most appropriate.

You can immediately schedule your appointment via phone from Uzm. Dr. Hande Ulusal Clinic, or you can reach the contact information here.

"The content of the page is for informational purposes only; be sure to consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment."