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Questo sito con estensione, che non ha alcuna preoccupazione commerciale o finanziaria, è stato aperto per scopi estetici e di bellezza per informare e illuminare i suoi visitatori e fornire informazioni preliminari sulle procedure eseguite in Centri estetici.
Questo sito viene utilizzato solo per il turismo sanitario ed è solo a scopo informativo.
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Nessun servizio sanitario è previsto in sostituzione di una vera visita, diagnosi e cura; Si sottolinea in particolare che la diagnosi e il trattamento devono essere effettuati da un medico specialista. Le informazioni contenute in queste pagine non sostituiscono un consulto con uno specialista o una visita medica e non costituiscono una valida guida pratica per tutti i pazienti.
Non è possibile utilizzare le informazioni presenti su questo sito per scopi di diagnosi e cura dei pazienti. Ogni responsabilità derivante dall'uso del contenuto di questo sito per questo scopo appartiene al visitatore e si presuppone che coloro che visitano questo sito accettare questi avvertimenti.
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Dott. Hande Ulus non è responsabile per le vittimizzazioni che potrebbero verificarsi a causa dei tentativi da parte di persone non qualificate di trarre vantaggio dalle informazioni scritte qui. Tutte le procedure chirurgiche di cui vengono fornite informazioni qui sono procedure eseguite in ambiente clinico e in condizioni di sala operatoria sterile .
Tutte le informazioni, i commenti e le immagini presenti su questo sito sono stati scritti a scopo informativo e non vengono pubblicati a scopo pubblicitario, diagnostico o terapeutico in alcun modo. Inoltre non è consentita pubblicità su questo sito.
In alcune parti del sito vengono menzionati alcuni prodotti e marchi. Tali argomenti, insieme a tutte le loro alternative, sono stati realizzati solo nei luoghi necessari e non hanno alcuno scopo pubblicitario o di suggerimento.
Sebbene tutti gli articoli siano costantemente aggiornati e vengano fornite informazioni su tutte le alternative, non si può affermare che le informazioni fornite su questo sito siano completamente aggiornate e complete. Per avere maggiori dettagli è consigliabile consultare un medico specialista su qualsiasi argomento presente nel sito, le risposte vengono fornite solo in generale alle domande poste dai visitatori del sito online/offline o via e-mail. In risposta alle domande non viene fornita alcuna raccomandazione medica che possa sostituire una prescrizione, né viene fornito il nome di un farmaco.
Le informazioni, le idee e le pratiche presenti sul sito possono cambiare a seconda degli sviluppi scientifici. Quelli presenti su questo sito potrebbero non includere le opinioni e le pratiche attuali del Dr. Mano Nazionale. Poiché le informazioni sul sito non possono essere aggiornate ogni giorno, le informazioni possono essere confermate dai visitatori durante la consultazione del medico.
Tutti i diritti di questo sito web appartenente a Dr. Hande Ulusal sono riservati. Nessuna copia può essere effettuata dal sito senza autorizzazione, che il Dr. Hande Ulusal non può essere ritenuto responsabile.
Si ritiene che i visitatori del sito abbiano letto, compreso e accettato gli articoli di cui sopra non appena iniziano a utilizzare il sito.
1. Data Supervisor
Your personal data are processed by DR. HANDE ULUSAL as the data controller, having its head office at Ataköy 7-8-9-10.Part Mh. E5 Yanyol Cad. 20/1 Ataköy Towers A Block Floor:4 Office No:88 Bakırköy/ISTANBUL, within the scope of the “Turkish Personal Data Protection Law” no. 6698 ("KVKK") and other relevant legislative provisions, and within the framework of this Clarification Text for the Processing of Personal Data of this Patient and His/Her Relatives.
The corporate identity details of DR. HANDE ULUSAL which is the "Data Supervisor", are as follows:
Headquarters Address: Ataköy 7-8-9-10.Kısım Mh. E5 Yanyol Cad. 20/1 Ataköy Towers A Blok Kat:4 Ofis No:88 Bakırköy/ISTANBUL
Telephone : +902129510633
Website :
Email Address :
DR. HANDE ULUSAL While conducting health services, it adopts the principle of "protecting patient privacy" and respects the privacy of both patients and patient relatives and their rights to the protection of their personal data. Accordingly, DR. HANDE ULUSAL processes your personal data in accordance with all the provisions of the legislation related to the protection of personal data, especially the provisions of the KVKK; ensures that your data is securely stored and takes all necessary security measures against possible unlawful access. This Clarification Text explains the scope, in which we process your personal data collected within the framework of the services provided by our clinic.
2. The Method of Collection of Your Personal Data, and the Legal Reasons for Processing
Your personal data are collected from electronic and/or physical environments by Dr. HANDE ULUSAL ,within the scope of explicit consent regarding personal data processing conditions (legal reasons), partially or as a whole automatically or non-automatically as part of the data recording system through patient registration procedures, printed forms and questionnaires in our clinic, medical tests/examinations performed by the doctor, information management system of the Doctor’s Office,within the scope of your other communications with our doctor and other staff, website, communication channels, e-mail, telephone, fax, other online and/or offline electronic communication platforms of the Doctor, our cargo/mail, social media accounts, health institutions and laboratories we cooperate with for consultation or services you receive and their integrated systems, authorized public institutions, private organizations and their integrated systems and other methods (channels) that may be added to these in the future, for the purpose of protecting public health, conducting preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and maintenance services, and planing and managing health care and financing, in cases where your personal data have been disclosed as a result of their procession by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under the obligation to keep secrets, explicit stipulation in the law, legitimate interests, legal obligations, establishment, exercise or protection of a right, and your contacts established through social media accounts.
3. Categories of Your Personal Data Processed, and Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data
Your personal and sensitive personal data in the registration form, especially your health data, include the followings:
Your identity information (Name, Surname, TR Identity Number and/or passport number and/or temporary TR Identity Number, birth place and/or date, marital status, gender, health insurance number, profession, insurance card number, workplace registry number and/or patient identification number, and your other identity data that can identify you);
Your contact details (address, telephone number, email address and other contact data, and your personal data obtained as a result of your contact with us via e-mail, letter and/or other communication instruments;
Your financial data such as bank account number, IBAN number, credit card details, and invoice information;
Your data on private health insurance and payer institutions such as the Social Security Institution, for the financing and planning health services;
Patient medical reports, diagnostic data, biometric and genetic data, laboratory results, test results, examination data, doctor’s analyses and comments, appointment information, prescription information, including but not limited to your all kinds of health information and data obtained during and/or as a result of medical diagnosis, treatment and care services;
Your voice call recording, if you have contacted the call center;
Your license plate information, if you have used the parking lot and valet service;
Your notifications through surveys, thank-you notes, and complaint letters, reports on satisfaction results etc;
Your personal data including your IP address, cookies and other personal data, especially your browsing data obtained when you use our website and mobile applications, and your medical data that you have provided with your consent through the mobile application.
Your personal data are recorded in accordance with the “Turkish Personal Data Protection Law” no. 6698 and the “Regulation on Processing Personal Health Data and Protecting its Privacy,” and these personal data can be processed in our archives in line with and limited to the purposes specified in article 4, and they can be transferred to the persons, institutions and organizations specified in article 5.
Your personal data may be processed within the scope of the following purposes:
For identification and verification intended to prevent your personal data from being obtained by others;
For the protection of public health; conduct of preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services; and planning of health services and financing;
For the supply of medications and/or medical equipment and/or devices special for you,
If you make an appointment, for keeping you informed about the appointment, providing information about it, and/or reminding you of the appointment.
For sharing the obtained information with the Ministry of Health, private information management systems related to the Ministry of Health and other public institutions and organizations, in accordance with the legislation.
For verifying identity and sharing the information requested by contracted institutions/organizations and private insurance companies in particular, within the scope of the financing of health services (if you have private health insurance AND IF YOU USE YOUR PRIVATE INSURANCE).
For issuing invoices for the services we provide.
For analyzing your use of healthcare services and saving your health data to improve and develop the healthcare services we offer you, and for replying your questions or resolving your complaints about our services.
For providing necessary information in line with the demands and inspections of regulatory and supervisory institutions and official authorities.
For storing information about your health data that should be stored in accordance with the relevant legislation.
For conducting promotional and informative activities specific to you, enabling you to benefit from such activities, and communicating with you to inform you about our services.
For executing and developing medical diagnosis, treatment and care services including but not limited to these, planning and managing health services and their financing, investigating and increasing patient satisfaction, and other related activities.
Your personal data obtained and processed in accordance with the relevant legislation will be transferred to the physical archives and/or information systems that belong to Dr HANDE ULUSAL or Specialist Dr.Hande ULUSAL, so that they can be kept both in digital and physical environments.
4. Transfer of Your Personal Data to Third Persons Turkey and Abroad
Your personal data in the doctor’s office/clinic, can only be accessed by our employees authorized for limited access to such data only to the extent necessary to fulfill their duties for the purposes detailed above.
On the other hand, if your personal data collected are required to be processed and stored by by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under the obligation to keep secrets, in accordance with articles 8 and 9 of the KVKK when clearly stipulated by the law, for legitimate interest, legal obligation, establishment, exercise or protection of a right, protecting public health, carrying out preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and maintenance services, and planning and managing health care and its financing, the personal data can be transferred to the followings within the scope of the provisions of the Explicit Consent (legal reasons):
Persons/institutions and/or organizations authorized by the Health Services Fundamental Law no.3359, the Decree Law Concerning the Organization and Duties of the Ministry of Health and its Affiliated Institutions, the Turkish Personal Data Protection Law no. 6698, the Regulation on Processing Personal Health Data and Protecting its Privacy, and other relevant provisions of the legislation.
• Our suppliers, potential suppliers and their employees (e.g. social security, certified financial advisers, legal advisers, information technology and data hosting service providers, platforms from where we receive services for appointments and interviews), for the purposes of receiving products and/or services for the performance of doctor’s practices/clinical activities.
• Family members/relatives, accompanists, deputies or legal representatives and other permitted third parties in case of medical necessity, court order or permission given by the patient/ patient’s legal heirs, for the purposes of providing information about the health status of the patient, accompanying the patient, receipt and delivery of the patient's personal belongings / medicines, and carrying out payment transactions in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation, especially the KVKK, and the Regulation on Personal Health Data.
• Banks, contracted private health or complementary insurance companies or contracted institutions and organizations, for the purposes of planning or execution of financial and accounting works as well as insurance transactions related to health services.
• Our existing and potential business partners and their employees (e.g. contracted laboratories and pharmaceutical wholesalers), for the purpose of ensuring the continuity of the activities and establishing potential collaborations within the scope of the services provided by the doctor in the doctor’s office/clinic.
• The organizations engaged in the referral/transfer of patients, other health institutions, doctors and medical staff, and domestic/ international laboratories, for the purpose of ensuring the medical diagnosis and treatment processes to be carried out most accurately and obtaining a consultation.
• Social media platforms, agencies, press/media organs, and people who have access to such contents, for the purpose s of planning or carrying out corporate communication activities, etc. to the extent allowed by legislation.
• Legally authorized organizations and private persons (e.g. T.C. Ministry of Health, Provincial Directorates of Health, other units affiliated with the Ministry of Health, T.C. Social Security Institution, courts) for the purposes of fulfilling the legal obligations of the Clinic, and following-up of legal procedures.
Domestic/international organizations and other third parties and their legal representatives, from whom we receive service and/or to whom we provide service, and with whom we cooperate under contract to carry out our activities.
Our authorized legal representatives that we receive consultation service, including the lawyers, consultants, and auditors that we cooperate with.
Domestic/international organizations and other third parties and their legal representatives, from whom we receive service and/or to whom we provide service, and with whom we cooperate under contract to carry out our activities.
Our legal representatives that we have authorized.
5. Time of Processing Your Personal Data
Your personal data obtained during our practices/clinical activities are stored and destructed in accordance with the general principles and regulations stated in the policies and procedures of our doctor’s office/clinic regarding storage and destruction, prepared as per the Constitution in particular, KVKK, and the Regulation on The Deletion, Destruction or Anonymization of Personal Data.
In this context, your personal data will be destroyed if all the data processing conditions stated in the 5th and 6th Articles of KVKK are no longer available. Accordingly, after the termination of your relationship with our doctor’s office/clinic, your personal data will continue to be processed until the end of the statutory period of limitation. If you withdraw your explicit consent, your personal data processed will be destroyed during the first period of destruction, based on the personal data processing condition of the explicit consent. Regarding your requests for the destruction of your personal data, we request you to review section 6 of this Clarification Text.
6. Your Rights Under KVKK
We declare that you, as a personal data owner, have the following rights as per Article 11 of the KVKK:
• To know whether your personal data are processed or not.
• To demand information as to if your personal data have been processed.
• To know the purpose of the processing of your personal data and whether they are used in compliance with the purpose.
• To know the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred in Turkey or abroad.
• To demand the correction of the incomplete or inaccurate data (if any), and to demand giving notice to the third parties, whom your personal data are transferred, about the process carried out within this scope.
• To demand the deletion and removal your personal data is the reasons requiring their processing are no longer present, and to request giving notice in this regard to the third parties, whom your personal data are transferred, even if your personal data have been processed in accordance with the provisions of the Law and other relevant laws.
• To object to any result against you, occurred as a result of the analysis of the data processed solely through automated systems.
• To claim compensation for any damage caused by the unlawful processing of your personal data.
To exercise your rights mentioned above, you can send your request letter containing your explanations about the rights you want to exercise, among the rights specified in Article 11 of the KVKK No. 6698, together with the necessary information identifying you, to Ataköy 7-8-9-10.Kısım Mh. E5 Yanyol Cad. 20/1 Ataköy Towers A Blok Kat:4 Ofis No:88 Bakırköy/ISTANBUL, our address written in our clarification text, and you can also hand-deliver documents and information identifying you to our address or you can send them to with secure e-signature.
Based on the nature of your request, your applications will be finalized free of charge within a period of time shorter than 30 (thirty) days; however, if the transaction also requires a cost, you may be charged based on the tariff to be determined by the Personal Data Protection Board.
* We would like to remind you that you should avoid including any sensitive personal data (e.g. religion or blood type information) in the scope of the documents in question.
7–The Conditions, in Which Personal Data Can Be Processed Without Explicit Consent, In Accordance with KVKK:
As per Article 5 of KVKK and Article 7 of the relevant Regulation, personal data can be processed without seeking the explicit consent in the conditions specified below:
If it is expressly stipulated by the laws.
If it is necessary to process your personal data for the protection of your or any other person’s life or physical integrity, when you, as the data owner, cannot explain your consent due to the physical disability, or in cases where your consent is not deemed legally valid.
If it is necessary to process your personal data when you are one of the parties of a contract, provided that the processing is directly related to the establishment or performance of the contract.
If it is necessary to process your personal data for fulfilling a legal obligation.
If you have made your personal data public by yourself.
If it is necessary to process your personal data for the establishment, exercise or protection of any right.
Personal health data can be processed by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under the obligation to keep secrets, without seeking the explicit consent of the relevant person, for protecting public health, providing preventive medicine, medical diagnosis, treatment and care services, planning and financing health services; and the data can be transferred to relevant institutions and organizations, in accordance with the law and related regulations.
Patient / Patient’s Legal Representative / Patient’s Guardian / Parents of Child Patients with No Mental Competence / Other Patient Relatives
I have read and accepted the entire Clarification Text above.
(Please write "I read, understood, accept" in your handwriting)
This section should be filled in by a person other than the patient specified above.
Name and Surname :
Relationship to Patient :
Date :
Signature :